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- December 2015
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- August 2015
- 04-08
- 10bass
- 10inch
- 10pi
- 115p
- 18ls
- 1950's
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1990's
- 1pair
- 200k
- 21351-2
- 2original
- 2pcs
- 2vintage
- 3-way
- 4-acoustic
- 400w
- 6-12
- 60's
- 70's
- 92-95
- 93-95
- 98ls
- 9lsi
- accoustic
- accustic
- acdc
- acora
- acousti
- acoustic
- acoustic-research
- acoustic-research-ar-2-speaker1
- acoustics
- advent
- alec
- allison
- altec
- aluminum
- amazing
- american
- ancient
- apple
- ar-1
- ar-11
- ar-1w
- ar-2
- ar-20ax
- ar-2ax
- ar-2x
- ar-3
- ar-35bx
- ar-3a
- ar-3st
- ar-4
- ar-4x
- ar-4xa
- ar-5
- ar-6
- ar-9
- ar-90
- ar-915
- ar-s20
- ar-xa-turntable-acoustic-research
- ar10
- ar10pi
- ar11
- ar12
- ar14
- ar17
- ar18s
- ar1w
- ar25
- ar28
- ar2a
- ar2ax
- ar3-a
- ar3-st
- ar38s
- ar3a
- ar3st
- ar4-ax
- ar44bx
- ar48
- ar48s
- ar4x
- ar4xa
- ar58
- ar58b
- ar58s
- ar8b
- ar8s
- ar90
- ar91
- ar92
- ar93
- ar94
- ar98ls
- ar9ls
- ar9lsi
- aracoustic
- aruko
- audio
- audiolab
- audiophile
- audiophiles
- audiosphere
- audiovox
- automatic
- avanced
- avis
- avrant
- aw871
- aw877
- awesome
- aws6b3
- axiom
- axpona
- back
- baffle
- bafles
- ball
- band
- beautiful
- believe
- best
- better
- beutiful
- black
- bluetooh
- bluetooth
- bookshelf
- bose
- boss
- boston
- brand
- braun
- brief
- brighton
- buchardt
- builders
- built
- buyers
- calling
- came
- carl
- cartoon
- cast
- cathedral
- cedia
- celestion
- cello
- century
- challenge
- changed
- check
- cherokee
- chillhop
- ci130qs
- cinematography
- cl-4
- classic
- clean
- cleaning
- clearance
- closing
- compare
- comparison
- completely
- concert
- confirmed
- connoisseur
- coolest
- coppia
- costco
- cracked
- crazy
- crossover
- current
- custom
- cx-21
- cx-31
- cx200
- d3020
- danny
- david
- days
- debunking
- deep
- demo
- deshibo
- design
- destroy
- different
- diffusori
- dire
- dirty
- dolby
- dominic
- dream
- dresden
- drums
- dynaco
- dynamic
- dynaudio
- e137
- e167
- early
- edifier
- eearly
- elaine
- electrovoice
- empty
- enceintes
- enhance
- estate
- excellent
- exceptionally
- extremely
- fantastic
- finally
- find
- fine
- fisher
- flagship
- flair
- florida
- foam
- focal
- fooling
- forensic
- four
- free
- frequency
- future
- gadget
- game
- garage
- genuine
- glocalising
- golden
- gorgeous
- great
- greek
- grills
- grundig
- gryphon
- guidance
- hafler
- halen
- hard
- harry
- hatteras
- hdmi
- heathkit
- heavy
- hifi
- hificollector
- high
- history
- home
- human
- hunt
- ilive
- important
- improve
- improved
- inch
- indoor
- industrial
- infinity
- ingenious
- innovative
- insanely
- intro
- inventions
- ipad
- james
- jazz
- jennings
- jordan
- kakapasok
- kari
- klaus
- knowing
- lagot
- lancer
- lava
- legendary
- letting
- licensing
- list
- live
- livestream
- local
- lofi
- loudspeaker
- loudspeakers
- lst-2
- lungyim
- luxman
- lying
- machine
- magic
- mahogany
- main
- make
- making
- makkar
- malcontents
- manuten
- marantz
- massive
- mastering
- matched
- matching
- mcintosh
- meet
- mellotone
- meta
- meyer
- might
- miniboom
- mint
- misirlou
- missed
- mixed
- model
- modern
- mono
- monoprice
- most
- mvis
- mxgb6
- myth
- n019754
- n14516-1
- native
- natural
- newithsealed
- nice
- norah
- numata
- oem-ar
- online
- open
- organic
- original
- oswald
- pack
- pair
- pairing
- pairs
- paradigm
- part
- parts
- partybox
- pasadena
- perreaux
- personal
- peter
- phenolic
- phil
- philips
- pick
- pickup
- pink
- pioneer
- player
- playlist
- polk
- polymer
- port
- portable
- power
- powered
- pristine
- product
- professional
- ps2052
- pyle
- queen
- question
- quick
- rare
- rarely
- re-foamed-ar
- real
- really
- rebuild
- rebuilt
- recap
- refinishing
- refoam
- refoamed
- refoaming
- reforming
- refurbished
- repair
- replaced
- replacement
- research
- restored
- restoring
- retro
- revelation
- review
- reviewing
- rmaf10
- rock
- rogers
- room
- sade
- sale
- sansui
- santa
- schecter
- school
- sealed
- secret
- sedona
- sergio
- sets
- seven
- sherwood
- shocking
- shockingly
- shop
- single
- smsl
- something
- somewhere
- sonic
- sonos
- sonus
- sony
- sound
- soundcore
- soundflow
- spacex
- span
- speaker
- speakers
- special
- spectacular
- speech
- spirit
- spoken
- stage
- stands
- stereo
- steve
- stewart
- stock
- stock-acoustic
- studio
- stuff
- stunning
- subwoofer
- super
- supertooth
- swap
- sweet
- synergistic
- system
- talking
- tamil
- tchaikovsky
- tears
- tech
- teledyne
- teledyneacoustic
- terrifying
- test
- test1
- tested
- testing
- theater
- there
- thing
- thorens
- three
- thug
- today
- tori
- toshiba
- total
- trafomatic
- treat
- triangle
- truth
- tsw-510
- tsw-610
- tsw-910
- tsw110
- tsw410
- tsw510
- tsw610
- turntable
- tweeter
- tweeters
- twilight
- two2
- ugliest
- unboxing
- Uncategorized
- understanding
- unfinished
- unicorn
- unison
- unpacking
- unrestored
- unveiling
- upbright
- upgraded
- upgrading
- very
- video
- vienna
- vintage
- vintagear
- vintagel
- vintageteledyne
- vintahe
- vinyl
- vitage
- vntg
- voice
- voila
- wake
- want
- ways
- weird
- white
- wireless
- woofer
- woofers
- work
- working
- works
- world
- worst
- yamaha
- zellaton
Eye Ball Design-AR Acoustic Research Frnt Wired Mid Range Drivers 3a/11 Speakers
Massive Eye Ball Design-AR Acoustic Research Front Wired Mid Range Driver 3a/11 Speakers-Custom Housed in Metal Basket!! BEGIN YOUR E-BAY SHOPPING EXPERIENCE WITH US. Vintage American things were always nice and heavy. Spectacular eye ball design midrange drivers. They have been housed in a right fit SANSUI metal basket for easy installation and easy wiring. Absolutely no pushed in metal domes. Show very good readings on meter and tested with stereo system as well. One driver shows bit higher reading than the other but sound similar. Nothing of a big deal. Detail and wide range mid frequency response. Possible replacement for your Celestion Ditton 66 or lager JBL monitor mids or could be a good choice for your DIY. All set ready to go. The last picture is demo purposes only to show the application of the drivers. If you are tired of having bad experiences on E-bay shopping with DOA, Item damaged during transit, poor post-sale customer service-You have come to the right place. We hope we would be able to regain your shopping experience and confidence on E-bay. They would be most securely boxed. Rest assured about our packing-That’s the thing we pride in. NEW DIMENSION IN CUSTOM PACKING: NO1 RULE: SECURE IT. This is the final concluding part of a perfect deal and therefore, we take each packing job as a challenge… You will see each of our pa cking a piece of art. Check out my other items.